Monday, July 16, 2007

How to Find the IP Address of an Email Sender


All emails come from an IP (Internet Proticol) address. Every computer that has internet access has an IP address. It consists of several numbers that each have a meaning. The IP address is easy to locate in incoming email.


Difficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need


1.) After you open the email, open the "Full headers" option if you haven't already done so.
In Outlook Express the process for IP address is different: go to File then select Properties and then look at the bottom "Received From" message and the IP address is located in parenthesis.

2.) look at the top few lines and you should see more than the usual from and the subject. Look for something that says X originating IP:

3.) The next step is to look at the number next to the originating IP: in my confirmation email from ehow the nuber is []. This is the IP address of the computer that was used to send that email.

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